Friday, March 18, 2011

Jaime Whalen Loves Charlie Sheen!

I just can't get enough of my new hero Charlie Sheen! This guys makes my current pimp look like a a creepy, lowlife loser.....wait, maybe it's not Charlie Sheen making him look that way, but anyway, Jaime Mantler Whalen loves Charlie Baby! This guy just came out with a cool new song, I just can't get it out of my head! Yeah, me and Charlie we got a lot in common, he be bangin seven gram rocks like Jaime Whalen be bangin'seven inch co......oh nevermind, just check out my new favorite tune. I sang this shit in the shower this morning!

Friday, March 4, 2011

It's Jaime Whalen Wiley's Birthday!

Yes that right! It's Jaime Whalen Wiley's birthday today! Today I'm 35 years old. Of course when some sad loser with a raging tent pole asks I always say I''m 29. Who wants to pound the vag of a thirty something whore, they might as well just fuck their wives!