Monday, February 22, 2010

Jamie Whalen; I Touch Myself

Some days you just gotta do things yourself. When I feel a bit frisky and can't find any man meat or a thick vegetable I just check out my favorite source of inspiration; the internet!. This is one of the hottest videos I have ever seen! Look at this picture of me watching the video!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Heard A New Joke Today, I Think?

So today I'm giving this new guy the 15 minute special, which is one of the new promotions here at Jenny Mantler Enterprises, where we aim to please, but insist on payment up front. Sorry I need plug my business, or I will be our only employee forever LOL! Anyways I'm whacking this moron with all my might and he finally covers my face in his man juice. When he's done he tells me real serious like, "10 million of my kids are dying on your face and you aren't trying to save any of them. You're a cold hearted bitch."